Monday, April 26, 2010

Blocked Minds

A day passes , then a week and soon it’s a month since you last wrote anything and you feel rotten. Not a drop of ink on your writing pad. You drag yourself to your writing desk but nothing moves from your head onto that blank piece of paper. You chew the barrel of the pen off ( or hammer the keyboard ) but no ideas come out of it.


There is only one dreadful conclusion , you think . “I’m not a writer. I’ll never write in my life.” And the thought shoots you right on the forehead. Bang. You’re literally dead. No more artistic work from you.

You’ve heard it labeled writer’s block. It’s a phase in a writer’s life where ideas just vanish. Due to hectic schedules at work or school , you simply cannot focus on the writing task facing you.The mind wanders a lot.

The best advice I’ve heard from professional writers – people who sucessfully changed blank pieces of paper into novels and short stories , poetry or plays – is to go out and spend time with people who share your passion. People who can comment on your work. Even if you’re alcoholic , hang out with people who can say ‘…Your story reminds me of the time I slept in a chicken run after having one too many,' or , ‘…. this poem refreshes like a cold beer…...’ Anything to get you thinking : What if you had written it in another way? What if this idea involved two characters? What if…..? Just to keep your mind on the go.